Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog Prompt #2


What exactly is convergence?

A situation in which multiple media systems coexist and where media content flows fluidly across technology.

It's funny. I watched an episode of The Office last night that displayed the exact definition of the convergence. If you have never seen the office thats okay. The episode was about a member of the office who created this new way of communicating. Well, it isn't exactly new but the concept is entirely different from traditional way of contacting someone to discuss something. He created WUPHF. I wasn't exactly sure what the acronym stood for, but the concept was that a person sends a WUPHF to another person and the message will sent to the other person's phone, computer, fax machine, on various applications like email, text, instant message, and in one case the person received a a voice message.


In The Office case the use of convergence was at its extreme. But today the way we use our technology is very empowering to the consumers of convergence because of we have the capability to communicate in many ways. I have a macbook pro. On this computer, I can send a text from my phone account to anyone who has an iPhone. I could FaceTime anyone with an apple device, and I can do all of that while I write a paper or listen to a lecture in class. I think that our technology has advance a lot in the ways to communicate. I could be sitting at the boiler house on the NCC campus while I send a text to my friend in Chicago. I could easily pick up my iPhone and FaceTime with my sister who lives in Florida. It's amazing that these kind of communications were not around for my parents, and it will be more advanced for my children.

"Happy Winds-day"
-Winnie the Pooh

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